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Become a Responsible Officer in Mortgage Brokerage: Master Compliance with the New Edition of the AMF Guide

Did you know that mortgage brokerage is the only discipline authorized to act on behalf of the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) for which certification of the Responsible Officer is mandatory? 

To work as a Responsible Officer in a mortgage brokerage firm, you must be a certified mortgage brokerage representative. This means holding a valid and current certificate in this discipline and, unless exempted, having passed the AMF exam entitled ” Set up an ethical professional practice in compliance with the rules governing the management of a mortgage brokerage firm “.

To support this crucial responsibility, the Responsible Officer must accumulate 6 additional Continuing Education Units (CEUs). In addition, the AMF has launched the second edition of the ” Guide en courtage hypothécaire – Dirigeant responsable ” (in French only), which came into force on August 5, 2024. This guide, which is indispensable for passing the exam, doubles the content and subjects to be studied, offering an even richer and more comprehensive resource for industry professionals.

Find out how to become a Responsible Officer