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Drone pilot – Québec/Levis

PMML continues its expansion! We are looking for a drone pilot to perform aerial photography.
A passionate person who holds a drone pilot certificate to support our company’s business development.


  • Make a drone shot with a duration of +/- 30 minutes
  • Make orbital shots from different directions and levels (examples: 29m, 40m)
  • Provide a facade photo and approx. 3 aerial photos
  • Deliver everything within a maximum of 72 hours


  • Drone pilot certificate (mandatory)
  • Enthusiasm and energy towards drone technology
  • 1+ year experience flying commercial drones
  • Own a drone Mavic Mini ou Mavic 2 – 3 drone

If you offer this kind of service and would like to work with us, do not hesitate to contact us and discuss the possibilities of collaboration.

Type of employment:



  • French (Required)
  • English (Required)


Daytime work (mandatory)

Apply now

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