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AI and Real Estate Brokerage: For an Ethical and Safe Evolution

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the real estate brokerage industry, offering advanced tools to improve the efficiency and accuracy of services. However, using these technologies requires a thorough understanding and complete mastery to avoid potential risks. Real estate brokerage professionals must guarantee transparency in the use of AI systems and carefully verify the information generated.

The protection of personal data is crucial in this context. Professionals must ensure that customer information is used ethically and securely, with clear authorization for its use. It is essential not to alter data to make it more attractive, as this could mislead clients. Real estate agencies are also encouraged to adopt internal policies to frame the use of AI, ensuring compliance with professional and ethical obligations.

The integration of AI into real estate brokerage offers significant benefits, but it must be managed with care and responsibility to maintain trust and customer protection. Licensees remain responsible for advice and decisions based on AI-generated results, and must provide all necessary explanations so that customers understand and appreciate the quality of the services they receive.