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Nicholas Forget | Lapointe de l’immobilier with Samuel Lapointe

Discover captivating stories, winning strategies and innovative ideas to enrich your real estate and entrepreneurial journey, whether you are a beginner or seasoned. Move towards your goals with this invaluable source of knowledge.

Samuel and Nicholas explore the crucial facets of real estate investing and financing. They emphasize the need to collaborate with experienced real estate brokers to ensure the financial viability of projects and access essential market data. The negotiation of advantageous mortgages and vigilance in the face of financial market fluctuations and CMHC criteria are also essential. Rigorous planning, adequate qualification, and the use of specialist brokers are essential, as is consideration of rental affordability and standardization of expenses to assess the profitability of a property. Setting interest rates, accurately estimating future rents, and working with various lenders is crucial. In short, they emphasize the importance of partnering with experts, planning meticulously, standardizing spending and monitoring the market, while staying up to date with regulations and seeking help when needed to optimize financing. and minimize risks in real estate initiatives.