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Chartered Appraisers

Certified Appraisers :

Opportunity for growth for you!

PMML is currently seeking a Chartered Appraiser to launch a commercial appraisal division at PMML, the largest commercial agency and brokerage firm in Quebec.

Be among the first Chartered Appraisers to have access to all of PMML’s resources on a province-wide basis! Develop your business within PMML’s ecosystem and have all the necessary tools at your fingertips, unlimited technical support, a customized CRM, the most advanced data in commercial real estate.

Our mission is to enable all appraisers with an entrepreneurial mindset and to assist them in differentiating themselves in the industry, as we have successfully done with our commercial real estate and mortgage brokers.

Required Qualifications:

  • Member of the Ordre des évaluateurs agréés du Québec (OEAQ)
  • Knowledge of the laws, regulations, codes and standards related to the fields of activity and the duties of the position
  • Excellent knowledge of real estate law
  • A demonstrated passion for real estate
  • Exemplary work ethic and positive attitude
  • Ability to manage multiple files and meet deadlines
  • Desire to go above and beyond and be part of a successful team
  • Bilingual

Resources Provided:

  • Administrative team
  • Due diligence team
  • Analysts
  • Customized CRM
  • Marketing team

Apply now

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