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Decarbonation and Energy Management | QAIC 2024: Étienne Racicot and Benoit Beauchamp

French Podcast

Benoit Beauchamp, Chief Executive Officer of Systèmes Énergie TST, joins Étienne Racicot, Mortgage Broker at PMML.

Benoit presents TST’s specialized services, including energy efficiency, sustainable development in buildings, decarbonization and energy management. He stresses the importance of proactive strategies to anticipate customers’ future needs, and proposes solutions to improve building performance while meeting standards and maximizing available subsidies.The speakers emphasize the interconnection of the various subsidy programs, the need to take financial and environmental aspects into account, and the importance of strategic planning to ensure the sustainability and profitability of real estate projects.

This interview was conducted as part of the Forum québécois sur l’investissement multi résidentiel 2024, held at the Palais des congrès de Montréal on February 28, 2024.

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