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Rental statistics | Amine Ménard

Amine Ménard, PMML real estate broker: an analysis of rents according to the year of construction of the buildings and the size of the accommodation, for the Villeray and Parc Extension sector.

Amine Ménard presents rental statistics for Villeray-Parc-Extension, Montreal, highlighting the price differences between renovated and new housing, as well as the services offered (elevators, garages, gyms, pools). Three-bedroom apartments are in high demand due to large families, while one-bedroom and a half units are also popular. Studios attract students, newcomers, and young professionals. Renovated apartments are rare, making them appealing to investors. Amine mentions that studios in Villeray-Saint-Michel are temporarily occupied by non-permanent tenants, allowing for regular rent increases upon re-renting. The neighborhood is vibrant due to new projects and its proximity to transportation. He invites listeners to contact him for real estate projects.