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Sophia Meliani | Lapointe de l’immobilier

Discover captivating stories, winning strategies and innovative ideas to enrich your real estate and entrepreneurial journey, whether you are a beginner or seasoned. Move towards your goals with this invaluable source of knowledge.

In this episode, Sophia, a PMML real estate broker, and Samuel discuss the intricacies and significance of real estate, focusing on real estate brokerage and land development. They emphasize the need for legal expertise, stringent financial management, and an understanding of market trends. The importance of strategy in land sales and real estate development, as well as the pivotal role of a real estate broker, is highlighted. They also address the importance of understanding buyer expectations, energy efficiency, financing, and collaboration among real estate professionals to better serve clients and adapt to market changes. In summary, expertise, strategy, and adaptability to buyer and market needs are crucial in real estate.