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Capital Gains Tax: Update and Recommendations

As you may be aware, recent announcements regarding the imposition of capital gains taxes on the sale of real estate have sparked a lot of reactions across social networks and in our direct exchanges with you.

In light of this news, and aware of the stakes it holds for property owners and real estate investors, we want to remind you of the importance of seeking the expertise of your professionals (tax advisors and certified accountants). Accurately assessing the consequences of these new measures on your real estate projects is essential to help you make the best decisions and get an accurate perspective on your projects.

At PMML, we are dedicated to supporting the Quebec real estate investor community. With this in mind, our management team has issued a directive to all our brokerage professionals, urging them to advise their clients to consult their tax and accounting experts. We are also working closely with our network of professionals to be able to refer and support our investor clients who are currently in transactional processes.

Our mission remains unchanged: to maximize the value of your multifamily, industrial, and commercial properties, and to structure your mortgage financing in alignment with your capital growth and/or income goals. We remain at your disposal to discuss these aspects and to assist you in your real estate projects.

We encourage you to get a free comparative market analysis of your portfolio to support your discussions with your professionals. This valuation will help you understand the fair market value of your portfolio in the current CRE market context and make informed decisions.