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Lapointe de l’immobilier with Samuel Lapointe | Jacques Lépine

French Podcast

Jacques Lépine, Founder of the Club d’investisseurs immobiliers du Québec · Co-founder and Vice-President of Fondation Jesabel & Jacques Lépine · Co-founder of the Milliardaire Mastermind Club (MMC) · Co-founder and President of the Association des prêteurs hypothécaires privés du Québec · Co-founder and President of Société de Crédit Immo Québec Inc., shares his inspiring journey, detailing how he started out in real estate in 1983 with no prior knowledge but great motivation. 

He recounts how his lectures and training, mainly in the United States, helped him build a real estate empire and create the Club d’investisseurs immobiliers du Québec, which today boasts 35,000 members. Jacques insists on the importance of mindset and rigorous management for success in real estate. 

Interview conducted by: Samuel Lapointe

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